Gen is our fundamental screener which updates on an intra-second basis and has been programmed to rank, score and assign a confidence level to every stock in the ASX.
Leo is our technical and momentum model which we have programmed to identify exact entry points for our opportunities.
Sensus is our sentiment and economic gauge which allows us to monitor sector strength, domestic and global market strength and track data points to predict possible inflexion points in market cycles.
Ven is our sell indicator which has been programmed to identify exact exit points for our opportunities.
When you come on board with existing portfolios, we will conduct an unbiased, in-depth review of your current stock positions using our proprietary AI Quant technology which has been developed, tested and validated across different market cycles. Using sophisticated algorithms and Neural Networks, the M3 AI Model has been programmed to systematically learn from every investment decision.
Your dedicated adviser will also provide a valuation of each company based on its growth prospects weighed against its downside risks in the short, medium and long term.
We will manage your portfolios by evaluating its net risk and sector exposures. We aim to rebalance portfolios into sectors that we believe have the highest risk-adjusted upside potential and provide investment opportunities accordingly. Our goal is to help you capitalise on sector rotations ahead of the market and avoid companies with unacceptably high risk exposures.
In a typical market environment, portfolios will generally include long-term core holdings balanced with high conviction, short to medium term opportunities.
Our proprietary AI Quant technology runs 10,000+ simulations daily using 150+ unique data points, allowing us to proactively de-risk or capitalise on predictive market movements and rotations.
Your dedicated adviser will actively monitor your portfolios and provide you with precise, timely recommendations and updates.
Quarterly, semi-annual or annual reports can be provided. Online login details to your trading account will also be provided, which will allow you to track your portfolio performance regularly. Activity statements can be arranged upon request.
After years of disappointing returns with a well-known broker and a wealth management company, I spoke with numerous advisors and brokers about my share portfolio. However, none gave me a compelling reason to switch since I didn’t see the advantage of being with a broker that used a common approach…
I have known Gabriel since he took over the management of my share portfolio in 2016, and I have to say it’s been a very profitable decision. Through his trading strategy, he has delivered on what he thought my investment return would be and the value of my portfolio has grown substantially. His advice is clear…
Gabriel has achieved a very strong performance on a portfolio of shares he has recommended to me. Gabriel is very considered in his approach and he obviously has an excellent level of knowledge of the ASX market. Gabriel is a very approachable person and he is not in any way pushy or demanding in his…
M3 Investment Group began managing part of my portfolio during 2020 and I have been so pleased that I have been recommending him to colleagues. I like the way Gabriel keeps me informed, explains the reasons for his recommendations and acts swiftly. He does things that I couldn’t possibly do…